There are just three weeks to go before we close the defence simulation and training focus areas of our Open Call for Innovation, having already funded a number of successful proposals. Highways England is changing the way it manages major motorway upgrades in the North West to help reduce the impact of roadworks on drivers. £3 million to be spent in 16 boroughs, towns and cities across England to encourage more people to get involved in local issues.
A statement from the Foreign Secretary on the Prespa Agreement between Greece and Macedonia entering into force. Leeds-based Soil Engineering Ltd has reported a 35% growth in business in just 4 years thanks to the role it is playing in delivering Britain’s new railway, High Speed Two. Government has set out its new strategic priorities for telecoms regulator Ofcom to support improved mobile coverage, broadband investment, and a better deal for consumers.
40 artificial intelligence and data analytics projects announced to boost productivity and improve customer service. Government has published a report outlining funding to transform connectivity throughout the south-west region. Stakeholder teams from across the Ministry of Defence gather in Portsmouth to discuss the future programme for DASA’s Get the Ship in Shape competition.
How to register as a creditor if you are owed money. Ensuring markets work in people’s favour is a priority for the CMA, which today publishes its annual plan. The research agency Populus is conducting our annual Customer Satisfaction Survey and will be contacting a sample of customers over February and March 2019.
Homes England has announced that it will be supporting mental health charity Samaritans as this year’s staff charity. In this free seminar David will showcase the innovative US programs which he has researched and observed first hand. The Royal Air Force (RAF) looks forward to welcoming Defence, industry and academia for a day of discussion and information exchange around focused challenge topics.